Got up to London nice and early for a walkabout with my trusty little Cosina PM-1 and a wideangle prime lens. A strong contender for my favourite body & lens combo, and I finished off 3 films on my walk.
I had wanted to test out the West Yorkshire Cameras’ 400 ISO b/w film for a while, it turned out very subtle, lovely smooth greys, and not much grain. I’d like to try some portraiture with it. I also had a few shots left on a roll of Lomography’s X-Pro 400 ISO slide film, I do like the exaggerated colours that come out of X-Pro film. Perhaps not best suited to landscape/city shots though, I think it works better in action/party shots. The final roll was a bog-standard Fuji 200 ISO colour film, I think it came free with some Jessops developing (RIP). Not great, not bad.
All in all a great morning’s work, I saw some bits of London I wouldn’t usually see, and got lots of practice in. Click through to Flickr for more photos!