I’ve seen a few posts recently featuring really long exposure times, or stacked exposures in some cases. Here are a few nice examples:
One from his Hypersilence collection. such a long exposure renders the landscape really minimalistically – reducing it down to simple bands of colour, blending together. Beautiful photos, and he sells prints via his site for very little money too. Would be lovely to have such a high-quality print hanging up at home – guess I’ll have to up my own game for now.
Petapixel also published a Complete Guide To Star Trailing recently – a great step-by-step guide to creating the images we’ve all seem of streaked stars across the night sky. It involves lots of stacking of photos, but the guide gives you all the info you need – good stuff.
While star trails are a bit cliché now, I’d love to have a go at them. Nearby Box Hill would be ideal – high up so less light pollution, and a good view from the viewpoint to provide some perspective.