Went to Paris, took lots of photos. Posted them all on Flickr!
Took the Olympus XA4 (for b/w) and the Fuji Tiara (for colour). The percentage of shots shows which one I enjoyed using the most – the XA4 is just so quiet. So easy to use, the shots come out so nicely. I can’t fault it, it’s the perfect snapper’s film camera. It needs a clean though, on the outside anyway – it’s covered in drawer crud from living in my parents’ kitchen drawer for years and receiving no love. I’ll get some isopropyl alcohol and cotton buds and have at it over the holidays, I think. Re-discovered how much I like Ilford HP5+ too – such contrast and deep blacks, I forgot how nice it was, and how it fits my ideal of what a black and white photo should look like.
Just before the holiday I also splashed out on a Zorki 4K, a Russian “Leica copy” with a nice Jupiter screw-mount lens.
It’s in absolutely gorgeous condition, the camera and lens. The case is a little battered but looks like it’s been kept on for most of the camera’s life. I’m looking forward to learning all its little quirks – like not setting the shutter speed until you’ve advanced the film wind lever. And using a proper rangefinder, which I’ve not done before. The lens would also work on any of the early Leicas, should I win the lottery and choose to go down that mad path. Hints and tips for the Zorki very gratefully received!