Blue Moon: Cyanotype Inspiration

If you’ve been following my blog for any length of time, you’ll know I like alternative processes. Something about cyanotypes has really grabbed my interest recently – something about the ability to print on anything porous, something about the fact it uses the sun to fix the image, it’s a process I keep thinking about.

I’ve been gathering up inspiration and ideas, ready to start experimenting in a few weeks. I’d like to print on fabric eventually, but I think I’ll start simple and go with paper first.

Collected in a handy Pinterest board, I’ve got examples of printing on stones, through glass bottles, and combining patterns with negatives.

I’ve seen a couple of beautiful examples on Instagram too – Melanie King and Kuyashii_Kuyashii in particular.

I plan on coating a few sheets of watercolour paper soon, then finding a piece of glass to do the sandwiching of negatives. Then, just wait for a sunny day…


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